Tuesday, August 26, 2008

let's see how envious of how envy is killing me

went to bridgehead with a friend. it was like nothing like you mieke.
i had to explain all the stories of me saying "get my nerves on"
emma and meaghan have the best apartment ever with count 1,2,no 3! vintage iron radiators.
 as picture shows in the picture, but just not painted silver. they aren't allowed to because they'll get fined. my dream one day is to       live in an apartment with a bajillion iron radiators and an old firescape on the side. i'll be so happy.
a sad part of my day is i gave away my white patent oxfords. i was obsessed with finding the perfect pair. then i did. alas they were too big but i still bought them thinking with thick wool socks it'd be fine. but that never worked. so emma is no in possession of them. she tried them on. i've never seen shoes look so good.
they looked just like these 

let's pull up the floors, put on (new) paint

i have no pictures for you this time
but i will have some soon, ones you will really be into. 
guess where i am going on saturday?
betsey johnson fall collection fashion show. 
oh and guess who is coming for pop montreal? the dodos. 
guess what i just ate? a different version of a cheese and tomato sandwich (with avocado and cucumber)
i wish i could pull up this floor. and put on new paint. 

Monday, August 25, 2008

what makes you think i'm in a movie?

summer's almost over. i'll have to go to school.sit in a class. and take notes. no more finding huge hills to tumble down until everything spins and spins. that's me above really rolling down a massive hill


Sunday, August 24, 2008

i'm gonna pack my bags.book me a flight to sweden.pronto

the people in sweden are my inspiration for life. period.
photo: moderniteter


Sunday, August 17, 2008

It's such a situation in where you are stuck in your own time

i believe in my heart i can fly. the fact that i cannot is a diminutive detail. i'll fly to you. meet me under the eiffel tower.

i put my heart in a cake. i handed it to you.


Monday, August 4, 2008

you and me and me and you and me

un petit lapin, backyard raspberries, rain smell, spice jars, floral patterns, sundresses

"life shrinks or expands according to one's courage" - anais nin